WE ARE THE TIME is part of Studium Generale Gerrit Rietveld Academie

“To the oscillating rooms where the subjectivities of heroines deteriorate, swell and gush, to the eroded streets where the interiors of imaginary characters and that of the bodies that animate them overlap in impossible ways.”

In this expanded reading on an impossible timeline, the lives and fictions of Annie Paradise and Jean Heller overflow and haemorrhage into each other creating a spiralling narrative told throughfractured recollections, dreams and desires.

An expedition to the edges of the inchoate territory of over identification. To the oscillating rooms where the subjectivities of heroines deteriorate, swell and gush, to the eroded streets where the interiors of imaginary characters and that of the bodies that animate them overlap in impossible ways. A perpetual decapitation, a ringing echo, a forever reflection between two mirrors creating infinitely nestled fictions that become reflex, gossamer body doubles of each other, ceaselessly interchanging through filters of fiction and mythology, erasing and voiding the original forever.